Sunday, October 11, 2009

7 Months Old

Well, it's already been another month since my last post as Gavin turned 7 months old yesterday! I feel like a broken record when I say this, but he is getting so big! Those of you who have seen him can attest to that! He has already graduated to the next size car seat, and we had to drop his bed recently. He is wearing 18 month old clothes and size 4 diapers...he's a monster! But, he is the sweetest, happiest, most laid-back baby you will ever meet. He shares his smiles with everyone all day every day...from the moment he wakes up to the minute he falls asleep. He is really finding his voice these days..."talking" all the time. He "sings" himself to sleep every night. His Nani was visiting today...she was singing to him while he was in the tub and he sang right was too cute! He is sitting up all by himself now and loves to sit on the floor and get all of his toys out of the basket. He has cut two teeth...the bottom middle ones...and continues to gnaw on everything, as well as drool up a storm. He is still sleeping really well, and I, of course, hope this is one thing that never changes! He has staid healthy this month, but is plagued with allergies...we have had tons of rain lately (which is great), but each new storm brings a runny nose and watery eyes with it. It doesn't get him down, though...he's such a trooper! He is still enamored with his big his every move and adores him like no other! It's been another great month with a sweet boy...every day he digs a little deeper into our hearts!!!

Here are a couple of pics from his 7 month b-day. I promise to post more of the whole fam with updates soon!

Sitting on the floor with his basket of toys

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