Sunday, October 25, 2009

Birthday Bash

Aidan's 4th birthday party was last Saturday. A bunch of his friends were able to come, as well as some of the family. The weather was gorgeous, so we did everything in the backyard. He had a ball! He'd been asking for an Iron Man party for months...kind of random, but that's what he wanted. So, I ordered all the party supplies online because none of the stores had iron man stuff. He had a blast and made out like a bandit with all the presents! We need to get rid of all his old stuff to make room for the new! Here are a couple of pics from the day...

Playing with his friends as everyone was arriving

Swinging at the pinata!

Jason's turn

The cake

Blowing out the candles

Opening presents

Gavin and Jason with Cookie and Chris

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Big Day for My Big Boy

Aidan's 4 today...and I am at a loss for words. I cannot even express the way he has changed our such a sweet and amazing way! And, I can't believe it's been 4 years already...I remember his birthday in great detail as if it were yesterday...the feeling I had when I went to bed the night before, waking RJ up around midnight to tell him I thought I was in labor, taking our time preparing to go to the hospital, regretting taking our time preparing to go to the hospital, throwing up in the trash can because the pain was so great, RJ having to hold that trash can and not getting sick himself (that is a great accomplishment for him)...I even remember him making a joke during the whole ordeal...calling our parents in the middle of the night to tell them we were on our way to the hospital, getting the epidural and telling RJ I was scared, the doctor telling me I couldn't move while he was inserting the epidural needle (even if I had a contraction), the nurse telling us to get some rest before it was time to push and the doctor coming in a few minutes later to check me and say it's time to push, our little guy arriving about 10 minutes after that, and I remember every family member and friend that came to visit. I could go on and on. It was such a great day...we were blessed with one of the sweetest little boys ever...and he is growing up to be a wonderful big boy as well. Don't get me wrong...he tests us to the end of our nerves sometimes, but he is a good kid. We have been and are so blessed by him every day. I am proud to be his mommy!

He had a big day today. He woke up at 5:30...very excited that it was his b-day. Grammy and Grampy picked him up from school today around lunch time and took him to Chuck E. Cheese's for lunch...they played a million games while they were there. Then, they brought him back to the house to open his presents from them and also Aunt Candy, Uncle Bob, and Lacey. He loved each of those gifts and was playing with them when I got home. When daddy got home, Aidan got to open a little something from us and he enjoyed playing with that the rest of the evening as well. Aunt Mari and Bella came over with Happy Meals. They got to play and eat, and then it was time for bed!

His big party is this Saturday...he is pumped about that! It's the first time we've invited friends, so it ought to be really fun! Here are a couple pics from the day...more to come of the party...

Happy Birthday to my little guy...I love you, Aidan!

The birthday boy opening some of his goodies...

He's having an Iron Man party and is going to be Iron Man for he's wearing part of his "suit" as he calls it.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

7 Months Old

Well, it's already been another month since my last post as Gavin turned 7 months old yesterday! I feel like a broken record when I say this, but he is getting so big! Those of you who have seen him can attest to that! He has already graduated to the next size car seat, and we had to drop his bed recently. He is wearing 18 month old clothes and size 4 diapers...he's a monster! But, he is the sweetest, happiest, most laid-back baby you will ever meet. He shares his smiles with everyone all day every day...from the moment he wakes up to the minute he falls asleep. He is really finding his voice these days..."talking" all the time. He "sings" himself to sleep every night. His Nani was visiting today...she was singing to him while he was in the tub and he sang right was too cute! He is sitting up all by himself now and loves to sit on the floor and get all of his toys out of the basket. He has cut two teeth...the bottom middle ones...and continues to gnaw on everything, as well as drool up a storm. He is still sleeping really well, and I, of course, hope this is one thing that never changes! He has staid healthy this month, but is plagued with allergies...we have had tons of rain lately (which is great), but each new storm brings a runny nose and watery eyes with it. It doesn't get him down, though...he's such a trooper! He is still enamored with his big his every move and adores him like no other! It's been another great month with a sweet boy...every day he digs a little deeper into our hearts!!!

Here are a couple of pics from his 7 month b-day. I promise to post more of the whole fam with updates soon!

Sitting on the floor with his basket of toys