We bought a house in September...and are so excited about it! It is perfect for us...we were a little worried when we started talking about looking because we didn't think we'd find anything we liked as well as our first home in Fort Worth. But, I found this place online and drug RJ to see it...and needless to say, we both fell in love with it. It fits us really well. We did a lot of work in the beginning...painted the boys room, their bathroom, the guest room, the media room, living room, kitchen, dining room, and our bedroom. There are still many projects that we want to do, but it is getting there. RJ and I both struggled with not feeling at home in Austin...this house has resolved that. We finally have our spot here and are so excited to call it home. happens to be on Kristen Lane! : ) We enjoy hosting get-togethers and have taken many opportunities to do so already...
The House...I couldn't find a regular pic of the house, but this is one that RJ took using Infrared and a Fish Eye Lens.
Making Cookies for Thanksgiving
The finished product...
Aidan and Gavin at the Dinner Table
Mamaw with her boys...Gavin was napping.
Trying to get pics for the card
Aidan and Bella on Christmas Eve
Santa was here...
And here...
New Year's Eve
Aidan and Gavin had a great year at their daycare. Both have grown in so many ways...
Aidan turned 5 in October. He had a jumping birthday party at Extreme Fun with his cousins, school friends, and new neighborhood friends. It was a Super Hero Squad Theme with Spider Man Cupcakes and individual cake for Aidan that my mom made.
For Halloween, he was a Ninja.
He started Tae Kwon Do in November and has done amazing with it! At first, he was in the Tiger Class (for 3-5 yr olds) and quickly climbed to the top of the class. He earned his yellow belt and soon after, switched to the "big boy" class. He is doing amazing in there, too, and has recently joined the Black Belt Club so that he can go up to 4 times a week if he wants to (instead of 2 times/week). I think this has done wonders for his self-confidence, and we are glad that he's found something that he really enjoys doing.
A few of my favorites...
He also tried soccer this Spring. He was on a team through the YMCA and enjoyed a fun season. He was not the most aggressive of players, but he had a good time. We were proud of him for trying something new!
He loves to learn and has been working on reading and writing at school. He is doing great with both of them. He amazes me with what he is obvious he loves to learn! He is very inquisitive and wants to understand why things are the way they are..."just because" is not good enough for him. He contemplates things and asks questions to be sure it all makes sense in his head. He is very excited about starting Kindergarten next year. I cannot believe it is already time for that, and I get tears in my eyes just writing about it, but I know he is ready. I am excited to see what all lies ahead for him!
Things I will miss and do not want to forget about his time at Circle of Friends with Ms. Patty:
**One morning, he was having a hard time saying goodbye, so Ms. Patty said he could walk me to the door and wave good bye. If you know my Aidan, you know that once he gets something set in his mind as part of his routine, it does not ever go away. So, for the rest of the year, he walked me to the door to wave good bye. After I walked out, we would blow a kiss to each other through the window, catch it, and put it in our pockets to hold close to us all day. He would watch and wave through the window until I drove off. I will miss those send-offs every morning!
**Aidan said running around the gym and building with Lego's were his favorite parts of going to Ms. Patty's. He would frequently have a Lego masterpiece to show me when I picked him up in the afternoon.
**His favorite thing about Ms. Patty is "how she helps him feel better". He cannot put this into words yet, but I know that he is deeply connected to Ms. Patty and will miss her dearly!
Gavin turned 2 in March. We had a fun party with lots of family here at the house. He was really cute when he opened all his presents and then went around the room and gave everyone hugs.
The Birthday Boy
Not sure what to think about his he is a pro, though...blows everyone else's out for them...
This is what he did after we took the candles out...too cute!
For Halloween, he was a skeleton!
As stated in earlier posts, Gavin was not using his words much. He didn't feel the need to talk and when he would try, the words often didn't sound normal. But, I can gladly say that he is really trying to communicate a lot more lately and has even spit out some sentences. I knew it was in there, he is just taking longer to get the linguistic stuff down. He, however, is very developed in other areas...he is very physically mature and capable for his age...not only is he really big, but he is also very coordinated for his age. He can dribble a soccer ball across the yard and can throw a ball well, too. He can also ride a scooter and a 3-wheeler.
Gavin watches Aidan with such admiration and wants to be just like him. He mimics everything Aidan does. So, I'm sure he will want to try Tae Kwon Do and soccer and anything else that Aidan does.
Gav's recent habits/phrases:
**"Mmm hhh" to say yes...the inflection is what makes it so cute...high pitch on the "hhh" part.
**Waving with his whole arm to say "bye-bye".
**Saying "I don't want that." It's usually in reference to a TV show or movie. He has become very fond of anything Toy he usually wants to watch one of those movies.
**Giving "bonks" to all the guys and kisses to the ladies...laughing every night when he teases me by giving me a paci-kiss and then giving in to my request for a "no-paci-kiss".
**He used to "roar" at us when he got mad. Now he spits! Not sure where these habits are coming from, but they have got to stop! But, I must admit, it makes me laugh a little!
**He's my little Linus...sleeps with and drags his "blankie" everywhere. He is becoming attached to a puppy that sings that my brother and sis-in-law gave him. It's pretty cute!
**Recognizing his belly as the first body part that he really knows...all other parts were soon to follow.
**Laughing every time he sees his belly...and then looking for the bellies of everyone else present.
RJ and I are doing well, too. I just completed my second year at Vandegrift HS, and I love it. RJ is still selling eye-wear and loving that as well. We feel very blessed with our little life here. I am looking forward to a ittle bit slower pace this summer to enjoy all of my boys!
I will leave you with just a few of my hubby's recent photographs. He will never say this, but he is really good! He has a great eye and is very artistic. I love the way he captures a scene, a moment, or even just an emotion. He is amazing...
Courage Through Her Mother's Eyes
The Capitol
The Boys
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