Play dates with my good friend Andy and her kids, Jack and Clara...I looked forward to these dates every week!!!
Bella, Jack, and Aidan at one of the jumping places

Swimming at their is really nice! The kids loved it and we enjoyed having some adult conversation! : )
How stinkin' cute is Miss Clara in her swimsuit?!?

Trips to Mom and Gene's house...these were like an escape for all of us...a change of scenery is always a good thing!
Playing in the backyard
Gavin running away with the sprinkler

Sweet moment with Bella and Aidan playing DS
Watching my cousins play outside...wanting to be out there, but it was just too hot for me!

Bath in Grammy's sink...makes me think of my Mamaw! : )

Playing in the tents

Playing in the water in our backyard...
At a family reunion for my mother-in-laws side of the family...

Fun at the mall...
Aidan on one of those bungee-jumping/trampoline things

On the carousel


Aidan in the hurricane tunnel

Tired from all that playing

My mom and I also threw a baby shower for her goddaughter, Taysha. We had it at a little bakery and were very pleased with how it turned out. I had so much fun making the diaper cakes for each of the tables, and mom and I both enjoyed shopping for pink! : )
The room
Mom, Taysha, and Me
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