First Hair Cut...We took Gavin for his first hair cut. We were wanting it trimmed a little bit, but the lady just kept cutting and cutting. None of it seemed to phase Gavin at all, but I almost hyperventilated in the shop as I watched the hair keep falling! It is short and it makes him look so much older, but he is still a cutie-pie!


First Time to the Driving Range...RJ has picked up a few golf clubs lately and started going to the driving range up the road...he is really enjoying learning about golfing and has been wanting to take Aidan with him. So, he surprised him one day with a club and took him out to the range. Aidan loved it and was so excited to tell me how good he did! He looks like such a big boy in these pictures!

First French Fry...Aidan loves McDonald's, and his little brother is taking after him! During a recent visit to McDonald's Gavin tried his first french fry...and second...and third, etc...and loved them all! : )
First Bike Ride...Santa left a big-boy bike for Aidan this Christmas, and we have just recently been able to get outside and let him try it out. He is hesitant at first and gets frustrated when he has a hard time, but he is doing well. He told me the other day that he wants to leave the "little wheels" (aka training wheels) on forever!
First Birthday...I cannot even believe I am about to write about this one. But, this past weekend, we celebrated Gavin's first birthday. The real day is tomorrow, so I will share more then. But, it was a wonderful day full of family and food and fun presents for the birthday boy!
Eating his first bite of cake

With all of his loot

Sweet Birthday Boy
Aidan and Gavin,
I am having the time of my life experiencing life through your eyes. I have enjoyed these "firsts" as much as you have, and I look forward to all the firsts of the future! I love you both so make my heart full! Mommy
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