Saturday, December 12, 2009

9 Months Old

Gavin turned 9 months on Thursday! He is at such a fun stage...everything is exciting to him as he is exploring the world around him. He is getting really fast at crawling around and has started to figure out how to escape when I try to block him into an area! He is still pulling up on the furniture and cruising around it, but hasn't really let go and tried to walk, yet. He is very strong, though, and amazes me at what he can do already. He has 2 teeth on the bottom and is working on some more. He is babbling all the time and still chuckles at everything. He is a very happy little boy and makes us smile all the time!

At his check-up, he weighed in at 26 pounds, which is above the 95th percentile...not surprised! And, he was 29 inches long, which is in the 75th he's starting to catch the others in length! He had the flu and an ear infection a week ago, but he has recovered from both. And, the doctor said he is a very healthy baby. She gave him the best news ever when she said he could start eating soft table foods! He has been watching us eat and wanting to participate for so long now...we've only tried waffles in the morning and he has enjoyed that. I know he will be enjoying a lot more in the near future!

He loves music and is mesmerized by his daddy's bass guitar. He will look for it when he hears RJ start playing. He has also started "dancing" when music is playing.

Escaping from the living room during our week home with the flu! As you can tell, he recovered quickly! : )

Looking cute in his winter hat!

Playing with big brother's puzzles...he wants to be just like Aidan! I don't know why I think pants with writing on the butt are so cute, but I them!

Enjoying his little bits of waffles this morning!


  1. What a beautiful baby . . . I just want to hold him all the time. Give him a big hug and bunch of kisses from his Nani.

  2. WOW!! Christin he is getting so big!! I saw pics that Damian posted on his family site from halloween and Gavin was a very cute superman!!
