Today is Gavin's 8 month birthday! He is doing so much right now...he started crawling last week and is soooo proud of himself! This means his world has dramatically changed...and so has ours! : ) We are trying to be creative in how we keep him corralled in the living room. And, Aidan is having to keep his toys in the playroom so that little brother doesn't get ahold of them. Of course, we've wanted him to be doing this all along, but now it is important to him as he doesn't want Gavin all over his toys! Gavin is also already pulling up on the furniture and has just started cruising around it. He definitely prefers being on the ground now and his attention is held less by his walker and other confining contraptions. He is still getting bigger...he's wearing 18-24 month old clothes and size 4 diapers. His face has changed a lot in the last month or so...cheeks have thinned out a bit and his hair has gotten thicker, longer, and darker. His eyes are still crystal blue. His smile is contagious and almost always on his face...he is the happiest baby I've ever known.
Today, RJ and I attended a funeral with his family for RJ's great-great-aunt, my children's great-great-great-aunt! Tia Tina was 99 years old, just 3 months shy of living to 100 years old. As I contemplated the happenings of the day and then realized it was Gavin's 8 month b-day, I just started thinking about what a true picture of the circle of life this was. My little boy's life on earth has just begun and Tia Tina's has just ended. What a remarkable woman and pillar of strength for her family this lady was! I can only hope and pray that my boys will have such a full life! I am so blessed by my family and pray for many many more years with them.
Thanks for 8 of the sweetest you Gav!
Playing with his toys!

The smile that never fades...

Escaping from the pallet.

So proud to have reached Rylie's cage!

With his favorite playmate...big brother, Aidan!
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