RJ bought Aidan a fishing pole and took him fishing at the pond in the front of our neighborhood. Aidan loved it and has been obsessed with "going fishing" ever since. For a couple of days after this first outing, he woke up in the middle of the night and came to ask me if he could go fishing!
We've been to a couple of birthday parties this month. In one of his goodie bags, Aidan got a whoopie cushion! This is him sitting on it...one of the millions of times he did it that night. I must admit, we all laugh every time! : )
We went to Sweet Berry Farms to pick some pumpkins and take a few pics.

Aidan helped Daddy make the jack-o-lanterns from the pumpkins he picked out at the farm.
At a Mommy and Baby Halloween party...this is the best you get when you're trying to take a picture of 8 kids under 2 yrs old!
Our Superheroes on Halloween...
Gavin in his new "Cutest Kid Ever" pj's.
Gavin crawling into Grammy's side table.
Being cute after bath time...
Aidan in his pilgrim's hat that he made at school.
3 little turkeys...one of them was made by Aidan at school.
Gavin found a light saber and wouldn't let it go all evening...he even dragged it with him while he was crawling around. His daddy was so proud!
Aidan with some random gear...just because!
Loving each other...
I think I'm the luckiest mommy in the world...I have the sweetest boys ever. This is what I get to see every morning when Gavin wakes up...
...and this is my favorite big boy sharing a hug and a smile...