Gavin passed the 6 month mark last Thursday...I can't even believe it! He is growing and changing every day! He weighed in at 23 pounds, 7 ounces (95th percentile) and was 27 inches long (50th percentile). So, he's still a BIG boy...the doctor and nurses couldn't get over the size of his thighs...they're pretty awesome! But, he is very healthy and right on track with all the normal milestones. He is still working on sitting up by himself. He is reaching for and grabbing anything and everything within is reach. He's getting a pretty strong grip and has already dumped a bowl of spaghetti on himself and me while he was sitting on my lap during dinner one night. Luckily it wasn't hot enough to hurt him...he just started sucking it off his arm! : ) He wasn't gonna let a good meal go to waste! He does love his food...he has gotten so much better at eating his baby food, too. He is babbling all the time...I love to hear his little voice. He's starting to be a little flirt when we're around strangers...flashing his blue eyes and his smile and then tucking his head like he's's pretty precious! He is sleeping like a champ...about 12 hours every is awesome! He survived his first cold...he got it after the first week of daycare...then was home for a week trying to was pretty nasty! But, he is all better now and back at school. He still adores his big brother and is mesmerized by everything he does! I can tell he can't wait until he can play with Aidan and his cousins. He is truly a joy to be around and brings us many, many smiles and such a full heart...I am so thankful for my boys...all three of them!
Gavin peaking over his crib

Loving his big brother
Wow Christin, he really has gotten BIG!! What the heck are you feeding that boy?!? haha jk Missed you and the boys at the reunion, wish you all could have been there!! The boys would have had a blast with all the games, the moon bounce, swimming and definitely dancing!! Like i said it was a blast, just wish you guys could have been there!! Anyway give the boys a big hug and kiss for me and hope to you all really soon!!