Gavin had his four month well check last week. So, we officially have a 20-pounder! He weighed in at 20 lbs, 6 oz, which is above the 95th percentile. He was 26.5 inches long, which is in the 75th percentile. So, he's getting a little more his 2 month check up, his length was in the 50's and his weight was in the 90's! : ) The doctor said he looks wonderful...very healthy and strong. Every time she tried to check something or listen to his heart, he would just was pretty cute. She loved it, too. We get to start baby food now, so let the fun begin! I will post some pics of that when we have some. For now, here's a couple I took just the other day!
He's starting to try to hold his own bottle...cutie!

Look at my tummy and those know you want to squeeze them!
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