It's almost been six months since I posted and soooo much has happened. I never was very good at posting regularly during the school year. But, I want to be better. I will try to get into a routine this summer and continue to keep it up when I go back to work in August!
I posted last in December, so here is everything that has happened since...
I got put on bed rest because I started to dilate a little. That was interesting...bedrest with a 3 year old is not the easiest! But, fortunately, I only had to do it for about a week and a half. I hadn't changed in that amount of time, so my doctor said I could get up, but take it easy.
RJ turned 33...we celebrated with friends at Kona Grill and had a great time.
We finished the nursery...we went with a flight theme. I found some cute bedding online and we painted the room to match. We did the bottom portion in a cream and green plaid to match one of the fabrics in the bedding. Then we did blue on the top and Aunt Candy painted clouds for us. To separate the two, we did a star border (also matches one of the fabrics in the bedding). We really like it and were pretty impressed with ourselves...thanks to Aunt Candy for the tips on the plaid and for doing the clouds for us.

Gavin was born March 10th. He came three weeks early and was 8 lbs...thank the Lord he was early! I worked up until I had him...literally. I started having contractions the evening before and went to school the next day...drank lots of water and sat down a bunch hoping the contractions would go away. They didn't...they just kept getting stronger. I finished the school day, went home to lay down, and then ended up going to the hospital around 5:30 PM. I guess I was in denial that it was really happening because RJ was in Laredo on business. When I knew it was the real deal, I told him to get in the car and come home, but he didn't have time. He was on the phone the whole time. Gavin came quickly...I was already dilated to 7 cm when I got the hospital! About 20 minutes later, I was at 8 cm and he was born at 9:10 PM. The epidural didn't have time to work either, so it was an interesting experience. I know people give birth every day naturally, but I didn't think I would. Since RJ wasn't there, my mom and Megan (bff from high school) were in the delivery room with me. Mom got to cut the cord...but other than that, I don't think it was a very pleasant experience for her. I know watching me be in such pain was really hard for her. She and Megan were both very supportive and comforting and I'm very thankful they were there.
Gavin Damian Gonzales
8 lbs, 19 inches
Aidan meeting Gavin for the first time...they had matching Big Brother/Little Brother shirts on!

I was home the rest of March and all of April. I really enjoyed being home with Gavin. It took us a while to get the hang of having two kids...we're still learning and I know we probably always will be. It has been really sweet watching the boys together. Aidan loves his little brother...there have been some moments of adjustment, but overall, he has done wonderfully. He admires him all the time, loves to make him smile, and already is trying to teach him things. He is a great big brother!
Gavin at one month old with his big brother...

We went to Victoria for Easter and celebrated with the Robles'. Here are few pics of the day...
The next generation...
Hunting Eggs
I went back to work. While I didn't like leaving Gavin, it made it much easier that I got to leave him with my mom. She watched him for us until I was done with school. Next year, he will be going to a home day care here in our neighborhood. Aidan will stay home with me this summer and then go back to his school in August. He has done so well there this year...learning a ton all the time. He is learning spanish and sign language and is making some good friends, too. He really enjoys going to school.
Gavin at two months old...
For Mother's Day, we dressed the boys back up in their Easter outfits and took some pics in the backyard. Here are our favorites...

Jason, our youngest nephew, turned one! He is so cute and we all had such a fun time at his party. It seems like yesterday that we were sitting in the hospital waiting for him to come.
After the party, the "big" cousins crashed watching a movie in Aidan's bed.
Skyler (our middle nephew) turned five! I can't believe how big all the boys are getting! We had a fun day at his party, too, but for some reason have no pictures of the birthday boy! I'll post some of the cousins later.
RJ's sister Mari got a job up here in Austin. She and Bella will be moving here in a few weeks! We are really excited for them and are looking forward to having them so close. Aidan and Bella love playing fact, I am going to watch her this summer while Mari works, so Aidan will have a play mate every day this summer! : ) We are really looking forward to them getting up here. RJ's brother and his family are literally around the corner from us and now his sister will be about a mile away!
Our oldest nephew, Sage, turns eight this month...I can't believe it! I know my brother and Tiff can't either. We had a good time at his party, too, but I don't have any pics to show it. We're getting ready to take a little trip with them, so I will have lots of pics to show next week.
RJ got a promotion at work! He now carries Dolce & Gabbana, in addition to Prada and Ralph Lauren. He is very excited and has the potential to grow his business with this addition to his lines. Just a little over a year into this new career, he has already been promoted twice. His boss could have picked anyone on his team to take over this line, and she chose him...I am so proud of him!
I just finished my last week of school. I am very ready for the summer and looking forward to being home with the boys. I am also excited about next year. I found out about a month ago that I will be moving to a new high school in the district. I'm excited about the move...the new school will be very similar to my old school in Southlake. And, I will get to be on the original staff and start the school, which will be fun.
Gavin at three months old...
Aidan being cute...

Well, that's it for now. I promise the future posts will be much more concise and frequent.
I love Gavin's room! I hope we can see you guys this summer!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! You are amazing. Having 2 boys is a full time job and to find the time to put this together is great for everyone that love you and our boys. It made my day!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to keep in touch. I love the pictures of the kids. Aidan & Gavin are growing so fast. Thanks for posting this blog. Hope to see you soon. I may need to go to Austin longer than a weekend to spend time with everyone. We love you.