We had a wonderful Christmas break this year. I was home for 2 weeks with my boys and had a blast. Here's what we did...
We started the holidays by taking a day trip to Dallas on the 23rd to visit my family there. Mom, Gene, and I took the 4 grandsons to visit my mom's side of the family. We had a wonderful day at Uncle Gary's house and enjoyed visiting with everyone. We haven't seen enough of them lately, but hopefully that will change in the future. My Uncle Gary had just finished radiation treatment a week or so before we visited. He has had a rough journey these past 8 or 9 months, but is on the mend now. Seeing him with a hope and faith in his eyes and visiting with my family that we haven't seen in so long are cherished moments of this holiday season for me. I will also cherish the moments of my boys with each family member. Hopefully we will get to see them all again soon.
The boys got to open presents from Uncle Gary, Mamaw, and Aunt Candy's family. The big boys got Spy Kits and Marshmallow Shooters...both of which are "awesome"! We wouldn't let them shoot the marshmallow guns in the house, so they had to wait to play with those till we got home, but they did play with the spy kits...you would not have even known they were there...they were so quiet and sneaky! Gavin got a bobble-penguin and Tickle Me Elmo Hands...both of which he giggled at! : )

Gavin with Uncle Gary, Uncle Bob, Mamaw, Lacey, and Aunt Candy. This was Lacey, Uncle Bob and Uncle Gary's first time to meet him and it's been months since Aunt Candy and Mamaw have seen him. So, it was fun to watch him get to know everyone!

Mamaw with her great-grandchildren.

My mom with her mom and siblings.

We spent Christmas Eve at home...Aidan and I made Gingerbread Men Cookies in the morning while Gavin watched. And, we made cookies for Santa that evening. Aidan also got to open one present that evening...a tradition from RJ's family that we are going to continue. I even got a prize this night...RJ made me a collage of pictures that we took trying to get a Christmas Card picture...it is precious...I love it! Once Aidan went to bed and we were sure he was out, RJ and I went to work helping out Santa! It sure is fun to be on this side of it...being sneaky and enduring...I mean enjoying...every minute of it just to see the look on his face in the morning! : )
Making the icing for the Gingerbread cookies...Aidan enjoyed licking the beaters...I turned my back for a second and when I turned back around, he was dipping it in the icing for a second round! : )

Gavin watching us make the cookies.

Decorating, the finished products, and enjoying one of his masterpieces...

I couldn't let Gavin just watch all the fun so he got some goodies, too...not a cookie, but a nutri-grain bar and he loved it! : )

Aidan's one present before Christmas morning.

Cookies for Santa...

My collage from RJ.

Aidan woke us up about 5:30 in the morning (which is honestly better than I was expecting) and couldn't wait to go see what Santa had left. All he asked for was a blue Bakugan Bakosphere...I had found every other color except blue, but finally found a blue one at the last minute. Now I know how my mom and Aunt Candy felt all those years trying to find the exact Cabbage Patch Dolls, etc. Although I think the craze for those things is in a league of it's own! Anyway, he got the blue Bakosphere, a Spider Man bike with a helmet, a piggy bank (random but he's been wanting one for a while), and a few other little things from Santa. Gavin got a couple of goodies, too, of course...a walk-behind/ride on thingy and a few other little toys. Then, the boys opened presents from us before we ate breakfast...which RJ cooked for everyone...pancakes, eggs, and turkey bacon....mmmmmm! Then we got dressed and headed to Grammy and Grampy's. The kids got tons of fun stuff there, too, and we ate a delicious lunch there. That evening, we headed to Victoria to do it all again with RJ's fam. We did our Christmas with them Saturday morning and then had the big Gonzales Christmas party at Aunt Pat and Uncle Adam's that evening. It was fun to see the family and visit with everyone. We headed back home Sunday and enjoyed hanging around here the last week.
Santa's deliveries

Aidan on his new bike.

Gavin loved his new "computer".

The loot at Grammy and Grampy's house.

Gavin loved this, too...I'm not sure if he likes the music or looking at himself in the mirror better! : )


I didn't have my camera most of the time in Victoria, but I was able to catch this sweet moment...Aidan cooking with Aunt Mari!

The holidays are always fun, but this year seemed especially wonderful! Aidan is at a great age for all the Christmas excitement...from decorating the tree to making cookies, to anticipating Santa's visit. Every bit of it was fun and precious to watch him enjoy. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at home with the boys. And, RJ was able to take quite a bit of time off, so we were able to all be together a lot, which was wonderful. I am very blessed...looking forward to next year!