It's summer break is over...I went back to work yesterday! Summer 2009 was a great one...I really enjoyed being home with the boys (and Bella when we had her). We got to do a lot of fun stuff...went to San Antonio with Grammy, Grampy, and the boys, went to DFW a couple of times to visit family and old friends, RJ and I went to NYC, I went to Houston for a girls weekend with my high school girlfriends, and we had tons of family times here in Austin. The number one reason we moved to Austin was to get closer to our families...I love how much we got to see both sides of our family this summer!
Here are a couple of pics that I didn't share yet of the summer...
Aidan and Bella in the Playscape at Chic-fil-A

My Girls Weekend

Going for a walk around the block with mommy

Celebrating Nani's Birthday

Grammy reading a book to the gang

Aidan and Bella taking in the sights in Grammy and Grampy's back yard

Going for a walk with Grampy

Enjoying a popsicle on the back porch after all that walking

Aidan making Gavin laugh (not sure if I should call it a laugh or a squeal or a decide!). Aidan can get him to laugh the easiest! : )
Many wonderful memories...thanks to everyone who shared in making them!