RJ and I took the day off Friday to go sign papers for our new house in Austin. That was fun...we got the keys and went to see it...me for the first time...he had picked the house on his own and I must say, he did a great job! That was a huge test in trust, and he passed with flying colors. We worked on the house all weekend...we started Friday evening and didn't stop until Monday night. We got a ton done, though, and owe a huge thank you to my parents and Damian for all the help! We painted every wall in the house except the study and the master bathroom. It looks like a new home! It made me get really excited about moving. My brother and his fam came over to see it...they live just a few minutes away from the new house. And, Megan spent an afternoon with us...so fun that we will be able to do that whenever we want! Another fun part was to see how close it is to Damian and Jessica's house...we walked back and forth all weekend...I think Damian timed it and it only takes a little over 2 minutes to walk it! We didn't have the water turned on yet, so we made the trip quite a few times to go to the bathroom...thanks guys! It was a fun time with family...even if we were working so hard!
Aidan in front of the fire place in the new house. He really likes the new place...he kept wanting to go into his room and play...he and Big D (Uncle Damian) ran circles around his room a million times! He loved the back yard, too!
Since we worked so late Monday night, I decided to take a 1/2 day on Tuesday and drive back to Fort Worth in the morning. Sounded like a good plan...but then we got a call at 1:00 AM from Damian...they were at the hospital! So, I got on the computer and requested a sub for the rest of the day. We went to the hospital around 10:00, where we waited with Ralph, Mona, Mari, Bella, and the Lee's. Jessica worked hard all day and finally delivered a healthy, beautiful baby boy around 10:00 last night. They named him Jason Colson...we couldn't be more proud...especially RJ...what an honor! Check out Damian's blog for some cute pics...jessicandamian.com
So, I didn't get on the road to come back until this morning...I have some wonderful friends at work that covered my classes this morning until I could get there. I was thinking about the whole weekend as I drove home...funny how a few moments can make such a huge difference in your life...Damian and Jessica became parents, RJ and I started to build our home in Austin, and I didn't want to leave. A few weeks ago, I was crying to think about leaving here (I still am), but for the first time, I cried yesterday at the thought of coming back to Fort Worth. There is so much there (namely our wonderful families) that I am beginning to wonder how we did this (lived apart) for so long...and I only got a small taste of it this weekend. I am truly thrilled about moving and being around the corner from Damian, Jessica, and my precious little nephew, a few minutes from my brother and his family, and just about 30 minutes from my parents. I am humbled and so grateful for this opportunity...only 2 more weeks till the big day!